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Community Colleges in Baraga, Michigan

in the area
Baraga, Michigan is not a good city to obtain your diploma. The only one community college which provides such opportunity in the city is Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College. That college has an unremarkable quality programs - two-star rating for curriculum and two stars for teaching.

There are six more community colleges near Baraga. Learn about all community colleges offering programs around the city below.

Community colleges in Baraga, Michigan:

Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College - Community College Ranking

Community colleges near Baraga, Michigan:

Gogebic Community College - Community College Ranking
Gogebic Community College

Located in Ironwood, Michigan

Bay De Noc Community College - Community College Ranking
Bay de Noc Community College

Located in Escanaba, Michigan

Bay Mills Community College - Community College Ranking
Bay Mills Community College

Located in Brimley, Michigan

Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community College - Community College Ranking
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College

Located in Cloquet, Minnesota

West Shore Community College - Community College Ranking
West Shore Community College

Located in Scottville, Michigan

Pine Technical & Community College - Community College Ranking
Pine Technical & Community College

Located in Pine City, Minnesota

Community colleges in other MI cities:

Alpena: 1 community college
Ann Arbor: 1 community college
Auburn Hills: 1 community college
Battle Creek: 1 community college
Brimley: 1 community college
Centreville: 1 community college
Detroit: 1 community college
Escanaba: 1 community college
Flint: 1 community college
Grand Rapids: 1 community college
Grayling: 1 community college
Ironwood: 1 community college
Kalamazoo: 1 community college
Lansing: 1 community college
Livonia: 1 community college
Monroe: 1 community college
Muskegon: 1 community college
Port Huron: 1 community college
Scottville: 1 community college
Sidney: 1 community college
Warren: 1 community college

Michigan community colleges by program:

Accounting: 20 community colleges
Agriculture: 8 community colleges
Architecture: 5 community colleges
Arts: 18 community colleges
Beauty: 6 community colleges
Biology: 8 community colleges
Business: 22 community colleges
Chemistry: 6 community colleges
Computer: 21 community colleges
Construction: 9 community colleges
Culinary: 8 community colleges
Dental: 10 community colleges
Economics: 2 community colleges
Education: 17 community colleges
Electrical: 18 community colleges
Engineering: 19 community colleges
Environmental: 8 community colleges
Fashion: 2 community colleges
Film: 4 community colleges
Finance: 3 community colleges
Fire: 5 community colleges
Flight: 2 community colleges
Geography: 2 community colleges
Graphic Design: 15 community colleges
History: 3 community colleges
Hospitality: 5 community colleges
HVAC: 10 community colleges
Interior Design: 2 community colleges
Journalism: 8 community colleges
Foreign Languages: 5 community colleges
Law: 9 community colleges
Literature: 3 community colleges
Management: 22 community colleges
Marketing: 13 community colleges
Massage: 3 community colleges
Mathematics: 4 community colleges
Mechanic: 16 community colleges
Medical: 21 community colleges
Music: 7 community colleges
Nursing: 21 community colleges
Occupational Therapy: 6 community colleges
Performing Arts: 2 community colleges
Pharmacy: 4 community colleges
Physics: 3 community colleges
Police: 21 community colleges
Politics: 6 community colleges
Psychology: 9 community colleges
Secretary: 14 community colleges
Social Work: 11 community colleges
Sociology: 4 community colleges
Sport: 1 community college
Theatre: 5 community colleges
Trucking: 1 community college

Michigan community colleges by diploma:

Certificates: 22 community colleges
Associate's Degrees: 22 community colleges

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