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Community Colleges Offering Associate's Degrees in Hawaii

Hawaii Associate's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Hawaii is an OK place to earn associate's degree. There are 5 community colleges offering programs in Hawaii, and the best opportunity is offered by Kapiolani Community College. This college has a decent associate's degree program - two-star rating for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

Read the details about all 5 community colleges providing associate's degrees in Hawaii below or narrow your search by program or city in Hawaii.

Hawaii associate's degree community colleges:

Kapiolani Community College - Community College Ranking
1. Kapiolani Community College

Located in Honolulu, 15 associate's programs

Kauai Community College - Community College Ranking
2. Kauai Community College

Located in Lihue, 10 associate's programs

Leeward Community College - Community College Ranking
3. Leeward Community College

Located in Pearl City, 15 associate's programs

Honolulu Community College - Community College Ranking
4. Honolulu Community College

Located in Honolulu, 17 associate's programs

Hawaii Community College - Community College Ranking
5. Hawaii Community College

Located in Hilo, 18 associate's programs

Hawaii associate's degrees by major:

Accounting: 4 community colleges
Agriculture: 2 community colleges
Architecture: 2 community colleges
Arts: 1 community college
Beauty: 1 community college
Business: 2 community colleges
Computer: 5 community colleges
Culinary: 4 community colleges
Education: 5 community colleges
Electrical: 3 community colleges
Engineering: 3 community colleges
Environmental: 1 community college
Fashion: 1 community college
Fire: 2 community colleges
Flight: 1 community college
Graphic Design: 4 community colleges
Hospitality: 3 community colleges
HVAC: 1 community college
Journalism: 1 community college
Law: 1 community college
Management: 3 community colleges
Marketing: 2 community colleges
Mechanic: 4 community colleges
Medical: 2 community colleges
Music: 1 community college
Nursing: 3 community colleges
Occupational Therapy: 1 community college
Police: 2 community colleges
Secretary: 2 community colleges
Social Work: 1 community college

Other diplomas in HI:

Certificates: 6 community colleges

Hawaii community colleges by city:

Hilo: 1 community college
Honolulu: 2 community colleges
Kaneohe: 1 community college
Lihue: 1 community college
Pearl City: 1 community college

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